How to get a girl in the mood?
Hi guys Annabel Mizel here from Today I will be talking about how to get her in the mood? The reason we tell you we have a headache when in bed is because it is we are stressed or we are not in the mood for sex. However, the mood can be changed if you do the rights things and we can take that trip to adult’s Disneyland. The problem is most men try too hard or they do things that turn us off without knowing in the attempt to get us in the mood. Getting a girl in the mood should be treated like a marathon, not a sprint. I will teach you sneaky ways on how to get a girl in the mood:
Make her feel special
Once we give you access to the cookie jar, men stop working for it and think they will always get it when they want it. Reminding a woman why she chooses you by making her feel special triggers sexual excitement. Surprising a woman with a romantic date or taking your time to bring her breakfast in bed puts us in a happy place; that’s the time you get away with anything. Touching hands in public or having a little public display of affection goes a long way in getting a woman in the mood. It is a sign that you treasure us and it also increases intimacy which makes it easy for us to get in the mood.
Annabel Mizel is Kamalifestyles youtube presenter and she regularly publishes infield videos on KamaTV. She takes clients in to the bar and clubs and takes part in the bootcamps! She gives honest perspective on the world of women from a woman’s point of view and helps our clients to develop confidence.
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