Conversation Mastery
“Learn How To Talk To Girls And Never run out of Conversation Again”
If you want to improve and master conversation skills, then you are in the right place. One of the widespread myths is that social skills come naturally, yet the most fluent and charismatic people learn them. You see people looking at the mirror and practicing what they would say. That means nature plays a role, but you also have to walk the extra mile and teach yourself more. That gives you the edge in social skills that most people you interact with find impressive. First dates are usually the hardest because you are walking on thin ice. The turn that your conversation will take will determine whether you have a second date or if you ever see her again. One of the most important things when you approach a woman or on a first date is your conversation mastery. It’s not where you take them, how you are groomed, or your looks. You can keep them hooked and engaged with you through a conversation. How many times have you found yourself avoiding conversations because:
- You don’t know what to say.
- You are afraid you will run out of things to say.
- You fear that you’ll be seen as boring or awkward.
There is no shame if you usually feel that way, especially with women. Women are selfish when it comes to talking to new people. It is their defense mechanism. The more they open up, the easier it becomes for them to let you in and the possibility of getting hurt. So, you find guys have to do extra when they are talking to women on their first encounter. Also, conversation dynamics are unique depending on the person, purpose, or the environment. Everyone faces that moment of anxiety when they are about to talk to a new person. It’s only those who have mastered the art of conversation that take the step and start a conversation.
The times we are living in digital era also makes it hard for us to learn and practice such a profound social skill, such as communication. We are always on our gadgets even when people are around. We are more comfortable talking to virtual friends than actual people who are seated next to us. I always see people at social events with their headphones to avoid talking to people. While mastering communication using the gadgets is okay, it’s the personal and physical communication that makes a lasting impression. Women are more attracted to men that they can connect with. The silent trick of connection is through conversation.
Course | Conversation Mastery |
Duration | 8 weeks |
Frequency | Weekly basis meeting |
Sessions Length | 60 minutes to 90 minutes/ Some sessions 2 hours |
How it’s done? ![]() |
Skype/ Video chat /Face to face meeting |
Total | 14 hours |
Email support | Unlimited, 24/7 |
Phone support ![]() |
Unlimited, 24/7 |
Analysis and Feedback | Weekly basis |
Reading and Course material | Included in price. PDF ’ed and emailed to the client after each session |
There are simple processes and techniques that you can use to master conversation skills. The Conversation Mastery program is designed to make you exciting and articulate. The course will be spread over eight weeks so that our experts can improve your skills and coach you to discover possibilities and break limitations. The main aim of this program is to teach you:
- How to start and buildup an engaging conversation
- How to recapture lost interest in a conversation
- How to use body language to inspire passion and enthusiasm
- How to talk to women to build attraction
- How to identify hooks in a conversation
The five objectives cover all the dynamics of conversations. That means if you can attain the five goals of the program, you are safe to say that you have mastered the art of conversation. You will be able to overcome the common and complex challenges that may arise during conversations. Some people want to increase their success with women, and some want stable relationships. Most guys can’t hold a 5-minute conversation if the girl is not active in it without having an awkward silence. That raised our expert’s antennas because women are not active participants in conversation during the first encounter. Conversation Mastery will sharpen your communication skills and will increase your success with women. The Conversation Mastery program is structured to take 14 hours over eight weeks. I will give you a sneak peek of each week and what you’ll be able to do after the sessions and exercises.
Week 1
Master the Storytelling
One of the best ways to make a good lasting impression on anyone is through storytelling. On the first date or encounter with a woman, your ability to bring life and paint pictures with your words is critical. It can make her hooked or detached from you. Storytellers have mastered the art of using words to get what they want. You’re able to tackle delicate or tough topics with a sense of humor that will lighten the mood and avoid any confrontations. Most guys treat the first date as an INTERPOL interrogation by asking so many questions to keep the conversation running. Others will make it a therapy session by talking too much about themselves. Mastering the art of storytelling gives you the ability to play with words as you gauge your audience and their response. That means you will be able to say the right things at the right time. In the first week of the Conversation Mastery program, we’ll focus on learning this art in the most skillfully and efficient way. It forms a solid foundation that the other sessions will be built on. So, by the end of the week, you will be able to:
- Inspire and engage your audience in a conversation.
- Set clear intentions with your stories.
- Create trust and build confidence in a conversation.
- Indirectly take control of the direction the conversation takes.
- Create punchlines that will leave her thinking of you.
Week 2
Conversation Openers & Icebreakers
Talking to a person, you have never interacted with before can be challenging. You might say something that you think is okay, but then they get offended by it. That means that you’ve made a wrong first impression, and coming from it might be tough. Conversation openers and icebreakers help us avoid putting yourself in a tight situation. It enables you to ease your audience into a conversation. Have you ever wondered why funny people get women quickly? It’s because they know how to break the ice using laughter. There are so many ways
that you can break the ice. If you are not a funny guy, don’t try telling a joke that might backfire on you. All our personalities have a tool that we can use to break the ice in a conversation. The best thing about using tools that your personality provides as conversation openers are that you’ll be comfortable with it. The Conversation Mastery program is focused on your personality, and that’s where we’ll find your tools for ice breaking. The program also prepares you for how to handle the negative responses if you find yourself in that situation. In case you approach a beautiful girl, and she says no. What do you do? So, by the end of week two, you’ll be able to:
- Learn your personality and how to use it to break the ice.
- Understand body language that helps start a conversation.
- Understand the interests of the woman you are talking to.
- Learn how to engage in each conversation with the openness and rationality it deserves.
- Learn how to bounce back from any challenge you face.
Week 3
Mastering the Art of Cold Reading
The cold reading technique is classic when it comes to making a conversation engaging, entertaining, and creating a connection. It’s a skill used widely by mentalists and fortune-tellers. You can draw a great deal of information from a woman by paying attention to their fashion sense, body language, and speech pattern. We know women are selfish with information on first encounters, and asking questions or talking about yourself throughout does not help. The cold reading technique then comes in handy, figuring out what she likes. It is a slippery technique to master, but when you have experts who have mastered it, it will be a walk in the park. Week three is structured to help you learn and master this art. Women tend to loosen up their body language and defenses to guys who have mastered this skill. The reason is quite simple. Those people who have mastered the cold reading technique make you feel like you’ve known each other for a long time. By the end of week three, you will be capable of:
- Deducing a woman’s personality by looking at her.
- Mastering the subtle cues such as changes in facial expression or body language.
- Create the illusion that you’ve known each other for long.
- Develop a way to loosen her body language and defenses.
- Have the ability to identify her hooks in the conversation.
- Master the conversation reverse psychology technique.
Week 4
Attraction Scripts Building
If you want to increase your success with women, you have to understand the secret ingredient. That is the ability to tap into their emotional sphere and create an attraction. Conversations are the first impressions we use to create attraction with new people. The catch to this is most women are emotionally slippery when they interact with a person for the first time. If you are a Kamalifestyles fan, you already know why women behave like this and how to counter it. This phase of the program is designed to help you learn and understand how to use conversation to create an attraction and connection with a woman you like. Forget about the things you see on the internet on specific ways to build attraction using conversation. Women are different, especially emotionally, and if you want to tap into that side of them, then there are vital things you need to understand first. That’s what this phase of the program is designed to achieve. You get to tap into a woman’s emotional sphere without getting out of your comfort zone. You will be able to do the following things by the end of week four:
- Identify and focus on topics that have an emotional impact on a woman.
- Ability to build a lasting emotional connection.
- Understand the techniques used to provoke intimacy, security, and safety.
- Identify her insecurities without making her feel insecure.
- Understand how to tactfully slip from one topic to another without losing your emotional grip on her.
Week 5
Conversation Psychology & Hooks
This is one of the most exciting and incisive phases of the Conversation Mastery program. To master the art of conversation, you have to understand the psychology behind it. When you look at conversation psychology, you are looking at all the factors that come in play consciously and subconsciously. We observe nonverbal cues, such as eye contact, posture, and body movement. You look at what you can disclose about yourself and inquire about the other person and at what time. Ultimately, you look at the response of the other person during a conversation. When you master all these aspects, it’s tough to go wrong in a conversation. Now, the program is designed to help you achieve all these at a subconscious level. Imagine trying to do all these things consciously. You’ll end up speechless because it’s so much you need to process. The coaches will also help you identify hooks in the conversation. Hooks help you continue with a conversation when you feel you are running out of things to say. Also, it’s important to note that the hooks are usually things that the woman is interested in, so the conversation is expected to be very engaging. By the end of week five, you’ll be able to:
- Become self-aware and present during a conversation.
- Identify and build on hooks in the conversation.
- Build conversation confidence.
- Connect to any woman you talk to within a few minutes.
- Know what to say and when to say it.
Week 6
Techniques to keep the conversation going
Now, you get to the elephant in the room. How do you keep a conversation going even if the girl you like is taking a passive role? Women are very attentive, and they notice when you have a challenge keeping the conversation going. However, if she does not come to your rescue, what will you do? One thing you should always have in the back of your mind is that women don’t want you to try and create a rapport. It comes out a needy, inexperienced, boring, and cliché. Awkward silence is also a mood killer and destroys the small emotional
connection that was building. You are likely to come up with something entirely out of place after an awkward silence in an attempt to counter the silence. So, the Conversation Mastery program is tailored with various techniques that will help you keep a conversation going. The program helps you understand which techniques apply to which personalities. The techniques that you’ll be given also match your personality so that you feel comfortable when using them. So, what will you be able to do after week six?
- Understand techniques that will help you never to run out of things to say.
- Identify when a topic is losing its fire and counter it.
- How to make her take an active role in a conversation.
- Understand how to use controversy to spice up a conversation.
- Have the ability to juggle more than one story at the same time.
Week 7
Building Rapport and Trust
I will let you on a secret. We will not teach you the exact techniques to use to build rapport and trust. Women know when you are trying to do this, and it’s a huge turn-off. The more you try to gain her trust, the more she builds a wall that you’ll never climb. So, we know women, and we want to help you create a rapport and trust because that’s the only way you can get her. The Conversation Mastery program is tailored to use complementary techniques to help you create a rapport and trust with her. The techniques focus on tapping into the woman’s emotional space and make her trust you. The rapport is also built by simple techniques that are embedded with the techniques that you’ll be learning throughout the program. Now, this phase is to make you conscious of the techniques you can use to build rapport and trust. The only way you can be in control of a conversation is if you know each tool you are using and its purpose. By the end of week seven, you will be able to:
- Tactfully build rapport and trust with a woman in a few minutes
- Tell how open a woman is emotional.
- How to skillfully redirect a conversation to suit your purpose
- Understand techniques to make her comfortable and confident in the conversation.
Week 8
Conversation Structure & Authenticity
One thing that turns off anyone in a conversation is signs of dishonesty. When you are talking to the woman you like, authenticity is crucial. Sometimes she may ask questions that you are not comfortable answering in your first encounter, but that does not mean you ignore or lie about them. The Conversation Mastery program builds on making you appear in the most exciting, positive, and authentic light. This phase of the program is designed to help you prepare for any conversation that you may encounter. We will not give you rigid techniques to use because people are different, but the structure will help you be able to flip and redirect conversation your way. There are also ways to tell where the conversation buildup is going. If you don’t like it, you can redirect it very early without the woman realizing it. By the end of
this week’s sessions, you’ll be able to:
- Maintain your authenticity and integrity in a conversation.
- Foresee the direction that a conversation is going.
- Prepare for the outcome that the conversation will bring.
- Impress a woman by your conversation mastery.
Most techniques out there prepare us for challenges and in case of failure but not a success. Kamalifestyles believe that our tactics and techniques that’s why we prepare you for every possible outcome. Most people are not successful with women because of approach anxiety,fear of rejection, and the fact that they don’t know what to say. Conversation mastery boosts your confidence and eliminates some barriers that reduce your success with women.
If you want to become a conversation master, it is very easy. Sign up for the Conversation Mastery program and watch yourself bloom to something amazing. Our program is flexible and personalized for each person for maximum growth and development. It will take 14 hours spread over eight weeks, but that will be the genesis of your increased success with any woman. You can take the program via Skype if you live outside the UK.

You just made me the most irresistible guy here. I took Conversation Mastery course from Kamalifestyles via Skype, and I love the transformation. These guys gave me a blueprint of conversations and emotionally connecting with women. I went on many dates and never run out of things to say. My conversations are flowing and I do not feel anxiety anymore. Women love men they can connect with, and I have become the Wi-Fi. Thumb up, Kamalifestyles.
Keep up the excellent job.
Dilan, Australia

I took the course after I broke up with my girlfriend, and these guys deliver more than they say. I completed all the exercises and home works and tested my skills. It was mind blowing. It was so easy to land the date and connect with girls. They all loved my conversations. I was never chased before but now I am chased by girls. They are keep texting and asking me to go out. People around me are noticing the change and my success with women is way up there. It was such an enlightenment period. Thank you guys… you are one in a million.
Jack, USA

Kamalifestyles has the most real dating coaches you’ll ever meet. I took the Conversation Mastery course last year, and the success I am having is fantastic. My dating coach told me that not all conversation would be a success, but that does not mean that I am the problem. Sometimes people have their preferences. I discovered that having the skills crucial for the success in dating. They taught me how to bounce back after things haven’t gone my way, and I am glad I took that course. I couldn’t convert the first dates before the programme but now I am dating. Nothing can break my confidence!
Philip, Canada

I am from Spain, but I live and work in Ireland. Communication was a problem because of the cultural differences, and I had not fully mastered English. I was referred to Kamalifestyles by a friend. I followed them on their youtube channel and I gave it a shot. The dating coaches are very helpful and experienced in whatever they do. Conversation Mastery program opened up a new romantic phase in my life here in Ireland and now I am dating a beautiful Irish girl.
Exercises and the home works was very easy to do. The coaches even taught me how to use my Spanish accent to attract the girls. I highly recommend Kamalifestyles Conversation Mastery programme.
Lorenzo, Ireland

I am a shy guy, and that always kept me from talking to women. I took the Kamalifestyles Conversation Mastery program because I needed to get over my shyness around women. I had taken online courses which wanted me to change my personality, but they never worked. Kamalifestyles dating coaches worked with my shy personality, and I can 100% vouch for these guys to make you successful with women. When I was taking the course, my dating coach made me realize something. You can have a great conversation with a beautiful girl without saying much. If you want to be better in terms of communications, these guys are the people you need. I do not act shy and I am comfortable meeting and dating women. Thanks to Kamalifestyles.
Jude, Norway

Please Kamalifestyles, you need to build an office in Germany. I have taken two programs offered by you guys, and you changed my life. The latest program was the Conversation Mastery program that I took because I could not keep a conversation exciting with pretty ladies for long. I kept having an awkward silence. Right now, I think I can be a stand-up comedian because I keep them laughing and engaged throughout.
Swen, Germany

I just came here to say thank you to Kamalifestyles. You guys are dedicated to helping men, and that is a tough calling. I took the Conversation Mastery Program, and it has worked magic for me. Anyone who wants to become smooth in having a conversation with women,then Kamalifestyles is the place you want to be.
Gabriel, Sweden

I used to go on dates, but nothing good ever came out of it. I spent a lot of cash in fine restaurants, but nothing worked. I bumped on Kamalifestyles on YouTube, and I became a fan. I took the Conversation Mastery program immediately and then I realized my mistakes. I used to share so much on the first date and try to impress women. I thought women loved men who are open books. Since I was already taking some of the lessons from their YouTube channel, we skipped the basics and went straight to the underlying issues. Trust me after taking the course is when you’ll realize what you were missing. Great course and great coaches. Cheers!!
Emil, Denmark

It is ironical when you live in the city of love, but you are lonely. I live in Paris, and for the longest time, I have tried to master the art of conversation but all in vain. I know that women love a man who can talk their way to their hearts, but that was a challenge to me. I took the Conversation Mastery course via Skype, which took two months, and I wish I had done it earlier. I am more comfortable talking to women, and I can avoid topics that make me uncomfortable before they even start. You guys are geniuses. Bravo!
Aleixandre, France

The Conversation Mastery course is one of the best I have ever taken because of the impact it has had on my life. I am 38 years, and I have problems talking to women ever since I was little. I took the course after the success it had on my friend, and I am living a happy life now. I have not settled, but I will soon now that I can talk to any woman without wishing I could disappear or swallow my tongue. That’s how I always felt when I spoke to women. Now, I take control, and women enjoy my company.
Arès, Finland