Blog, kama Fitness

Eating correct foods to fuel your exercise performance!

Hello good people, it is Annabella here again. Your personal trainer and dating coach from here to help you become the very best version of you both mentally and physically so you can take the dating world by storm. Today I will be presenting about being unfit and dating. But before we start click that subscribe button so you don’t miss a single thing from us here at Kamatv. Precisely, how does being unfit affect your dating life fuel your exercise performance.

Fuel your exercise performance

Let’s face it. Even if your girl or crush does not seem bothered by your weight, you deep down know that it affects your dating life. I mean, you know your confidence is not where you would want it, your bedroom performance is wanting, your body image is not at 100 per cent, and back to the basics, you are most likely not as physically able as you would wish to or as your woman would want.

That pizza and a lot of junk food seem innocent, which they are by themselves. However, when you do not practice moderation, you will, without a doubt, be on the receiving side of the effects of being out of shape and being unfit. There is a high chance that in such a state, you do not even have the confidence to approach a girl. Your self-esteem is probably not at its best. As you can see, the effects of being unfit are two way. That is when you have a woman and also when you are trying to find one. With that said good people, here are some real and practical reasons for how you being unfit affects your dating life.

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