Does accent matter when picking up girls? Infield video
Does accent matter when picking up girls? Infield video ,Hi guys, welcome to Kama Lifestyles and today Maria and I have prepared a fascinating topic that most of our viewers have asked. Picking up girls is an art, and once you have mastered the art, you can bring any trick up your sleeves to get the girls hooked.
Does accent matter when picking up girls? Infield video
Are the accents from the cities of love around the world give you a better chance of picking up girls? Or what accents do women want that will create the perfect halo effect? Is there one or too many??? There have been so many questions about accents, and little has been done to bring this topic to light. So, today I am hitting the streets and picking up girls with putting up accents and we are going to look at does accent matter when picking up girls?
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