Approach Women

What to say when you approach a girl

What to say when you approach a girl

What to say when you approach a girl ,Yes! You have finally gathered up the courage to walk up to the girl of your dreams and talk to her but wait; you do not know what to say to her. You have been contemplating for a while now, and finally, you got the guts to walk to her and say hi, but then what do you say next. You need to be prepared for any outcome and how the conversation will go. Here are some tips to get the conversation going without sounding like a creep who has been stalking her Embrace your shyness If you are a shy person treat it just like any other challenge in your life. She will probably notice that you are shy by simply looking at your body language. Do not be ashamed of it instead of embrace it.

You approach a girl

Come out and own your shy nature but throwing in statements like “I get a bit nervous when talking to pretty women” do not try covering up your shyness because it will make you look more awkward and weird when talking to her. Keep her engaged Ask her questions to make her elaborate what she means when she is talking about something. Remember to not interrogate her; there is a huge difference between asking questions and interrogating. Avoid close ended questions because they usually sound rude and interrogating, rather go for open ended question which will keep the conversation going.

Try making observations about your environment and her, give your honest opinion and be an active listener, give her time to speak. Be as polite as possible. Respect her views and try to have a genuine interest in her observation too. Offer her your view on the issues too. This will keep your conversation going and very interesting. You will notice that you are less tense and warming up to her Iain Myles is an executive dating coach of Kamalifestyles. He’s highly experienced in live training of our clients on streets, in bars and clubs. Iain teaches the core principles of the approach that every guy needs to know to become successful in dating. Gabriella Ryan is Kamalifestyles youtube presenter and she regularly publishes videos on different dating topics on KamaTV. She also takes part in infield training’s by helping our dating coaches. She brings the female perspective and gives honest feedback to the clients in relation to what women think in certain situations. Our clients say “her honest feedback into the female mind is very good and shockingly interesting”. Leave a Comment letting us know what you think. If you enjoyed make sure you like, share and subscribe!

Hope you enjoy!

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