When you start going to clubs or out during the day to approach women, there is one thing that you will have to accept is that you will get rejected. This is something that most guys are terrified of when they start out in improving this area of their life.
Rejection Really Means
When I first started out I was afraid of rejection, I could remember my heart beating fast when I was about to approach a girl and yes I got rejected a lot. The biggest mistake that most guys make is that they identify with this rejection as part of who they are as a person and so they continue to justify and feed their fear of rejection.
Instead what I came to realize and what most guys hardly ever realize is that rejection is never personal and is usually based on external circumstances.
The First Impression
This is one of the biggest reasons why a girl rejects a guy which is in how the guy approaches. If a guy approaches nervously he is bound to get rejected because there is nothing that turns a girl off more than a guy not being confident in who he is and how he approaches.
(I’d highly advise you read the following blog article: How to win a girls heart).
It is a well-known fact that people will make up their mind of what they think of someone within 3 seconds of meeting them. So it is important that you approach confidently. A helpful tip is to recall a time when you were confident in the past when you are about to approach.
This is about how you control your state and it is something that we will teach you how to use effectively at Kama Lifestyles. Your body cannot tell the difference and you will feel more confident as a result.
Like I have mentioned in previous entries, looks do not matter as much to women as they do to us but that does not mean you cannot make the best of your appearance. There is no excuse why you cannot dress well and women are well known for their attention to detail.
If you are not well up with fashion I am sure that you know a few people that are and it would do you no harm to go shopping with them.
(Here’s an amazing product on how to rebuild that physical intimacy: The Sexual Master).
The same can be said to how well you groom your hair and facial hair and I recommend that you visit a top barber and then go to a cheaper one once you know what type of haircut suits you!
There is nothing more that a girl appreciates is a guy that knows how to look after himself and girls do notice.
Obviously, it is important that you approach as much as possible but it also helps to use your common sense when reading a situation before you approach.
There are many good times and situations where you can approach a girl but obviously take note of the situation before you approach, if you approach a girl that has just walked into a bar it is best to give her a chance to settle and sit down where she wants as she will feel flustered and uncomfortable if you approach her, the same can be said to approaching a girl during the day if she is in a rush or on the phone to someone because before you have even opened your mouth you are competing for her attention as she is already clearly distracted.
I am not saying that she won’t always be responsive in these situations but if your just starting out do not make work for yourself as like I said already there are plenty of situations where it is easier to approach a girl and start a conversation with her.
(Do you want to find out how to make her chase you? If so, you need to read this: How to make her chase you in a relationship).
These are all some useful tips that will make a difference when you approach a girl but I still cannot
guarantee that she still won’t reject you and it is important that you learn not to take rejection personally because it is crazy to base who you are as a person on how a girl thinks of you that never met you before.
And remember for every rejection you will find a girl that does like you and the more you approach you will get better and grow as a person as a result.
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Emre Ilkme
Emre is author, dating coach and CEO founder of Kamalifestyles. He has written books which sold thousands of copies over a decade. Emre trained and coached many clients from all over the world and men of all ages on how to improve their confidence, relationships and dating.
He has expertise in confidence, approach and attraction and has been featured in top newspapers and radios. He is passionate on helping his clients to achieve great outcomes and make sure they are not held back by the limitations.