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Simple Exercises to Keep Your Body in Good Shape

Simple Exercises to Keep Your Body in Good Shape

Hi guys this is Annabella Rose your fitness and dating coach here from Today I will be talking about Simple Exercises to Keep Your Body in Good Shape. Before we start please click that cheeky subscribe button and turn on the notifications as there will be many videos coming into your way!

Getting in good shape is something that everybody wants. It is something everybody wants, but very few are willing to pay the price that comes with it mainly because it calls for a very high level of discipline. What most people do not know is that the actual task is remaining in shape after you have already achieved it.
Getting and staying in good shape is more of a lifestyle than a one-day thing. You will have to take up healthy habits in your life that entail more than working out and committed enough to follow through even you do not feel like it. Here are some simple exercises to keep you in good shape at all times.

1. Workout

Working out is not everybody’s cup of tea. The thought of being all sweaty in a gym repels. Well, if you are one of this describes you, then you might need to change your approach towards working out since you will not get anywhere get too far without it. You do not have to love working at the beginning; you need to like what it does for you; get you in great shape.
The best motivating factor is always imaging the ideal body you stand to get from working out. You could also look for a workout partner. Learn to extend or stretch your limit and push yourself as much as you can to get into that ideal body you want.

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2. Walk

It may not seem like an activity that can keep you in good shape, but it is excellent when it comes to staying in fit. You should, however, engage in helpful walking and not walking just for the sake of it; for instance, walking downhill will not so much good. Instead, choose hilly routes and walk up. Walking is flexible in performing since you do not need any particular kind of gear; you can decide to be walking to and from work instead of taking a cab or a bus.

Simple Exercises to Keep Your Body in Good Shape

It is easy to include in your daily routine without disrupting your schedule. You should, however, have special walking gear for days such as weekends when you leave your house to go for a walk; this includes comfortable, and weathers appropriate clothes as well as comfortable and fitting sports shoes.

Annabella Rose is a Dating & Fitness Coach, author and youtube presenter. She regularly publishes videos on KamaTV. She takes clients in to the bar and clubs and teaches her magic! Her speciality is approach and attraction. She also helps to develop confidence and conversational skills and gives honest perspective on the world of women from a woman’s point of view. Most of our clients say “the best advice ever” after talking to Annabella..

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