Decoding Body Language
How to understand nonverbal Communication in Dating
Mastering the skill of good communication is an art we all need.
This boils down to both verbal and nonverbal communication.
We know a lot about verbal communication but I wouldn’t say the same for the nonverbal component of communication.
Body language is the use of physical behavior, expressions, and mannerisms to communicate nonverbally. It is often instinctive rather than conscious and is, therefore, louder and more believable than verbal communication.
It sends strong messages and can put people at ease and build trust as well as draw others towards you. Body language can often comes across as confusing and may undermine what you’re trying to convey in your message.
Take a minute to answer the questions below…
- Do you feel nervous when you see beautiful girls and meeting people in general?
- Does your dating life need more?
- Do you often feel misunderstood when dating and in relationships?
- Do you have a hard time understanding her body language and what she expects?
- Do you have problems communicating with her?
- When words fail you, what are you left with?
My new eBook, Decoding Body Language, is here to help you understand how to recognize nonverbal communication in your dating experiences and relationships.
Body Language
Men and women communicate differently. This makes it hard for us to predict what the complex mind of a woman is thinking.
Mastering the skill of nonverbal communication will allow you to read your partner’s emotions, mood and sometimes even motives as she speaks or even when not speaking. Learning to decode a woman’s facial expressions, gestures, body language and tone of voice will make such a huge difference in how you understand her.
It will be easier to figure out the best way to approach and strike up a conversation with her. Even in the aspect of a long-term relationship, you will see that mastering your partner’s nonverbal cues will make it easy to communicate with her, understand her emotions and deepen your emotional connection.
Lack of this knowledge, however, only has you taking her verbal communication at face value.
When a woman says what she wants something, it is at times hard to know what she really wants. Many times, it is impossible tell the difference between what you’re hearing and what she actually desires.
Become a master at reading women’s body language and make your game unstoppable!!
The gems in your eBook package. What you get from Decoding Body Language is the knowledge and ability to read a woman’s nonverbal cues and understand her, not only from her words but on a deeper, more instinctual level.
You may hear a woman say she is fine but her face looks a bit sad. Well, with good insight you will have the understanding that she may be fine but doesn’t feel like it at that moment and decide to hug her.
You then realize that she feels better and you have more ways than one to prevent a possible mood escalation and what might have come with that.
Having the skill this book is ready to give you will have you knowing the signs to look out for.
Being able to read and understand negative body language will let you know that she is not interested and save you rejection from some other women.
The same understanding will let you recognize a positive body language and tell that the woman is interested, allowing you to make your move.
There are basic principles to follow in the learning, understanding, and mastery of nonverbal communication.
As you put in the effort to learn how to read body language, it is important to recognize the consistency of nonverbal communication. It exists whether there is verbal communication, or not.
A woman can communicate a lot in her posture around you without saying a word.
You may not necessarily be able to tell more about your partner just by recognizing one thing about her body language. Nonverbal communication is multi-channeled and you need more than the basic knowledge to have a good mastery of it. That is why this book is important.
I have put in it every piece of the puzzle so that you get everything right. At the end of this, you will never have to guess anything regarding your partner’s moves and motives.
Many men struggle with approach anxiety. I believe that it is less about what they should say but more about whether the woman is interested or not. This book will help you unnerve those feelings by helping you recognize the different ways a woman will nonverbally signal you to go over and talk to her..
Become a master at reading women’s body language and make your game unstoppable!!
You will uncover how she looks at you when she is calling you over, how she licks her lips and plays with her hair. This doesn’t sound like a hard thing to miss but not many of us recognize these are unconscious signals from the woman we are looking at. Get yourself a copy and you will not regret it.
There are also disinterest signals, that show she, with no doubt, has no interest in you.
If you could be able to read these, I bet you would save yourself the agony of having to take another rejection or maybe go for her friend and discover she is the one missing out.
Lol. The kind of power you hold with this knowledge is limitless, all depending on what you want to do with it.
Being in a relationship is not the easiest thing to do.
Problems arise that test the strength and resilience of the bond created. Decoding Body Language will help you to easily read your partner’s emotions, both negative and positive.
This goes a long way in knowing how to handle your woman. I bet you can think of a lot of situations and responses that would have been avoided and done differently if you had such a cheat sheet before.
Well, it is never too late. Grab a copy of Decoding Body Language now and unravel the different gems it holds for successful dating life and relationships.
Learning nonverbal communication not only helps you discover more about women’s body language but also your own. With a good understanding of this, you will learn to use it as you communicate, making you an even more effective and clear communicator.
You will be well able to support your messages with gestures and other types of nonverbal cues.
These will help you communicate your message well and make you more expressive. Of the many women who complain of men being poor at communicating, yours will not.
You will be able to show the right intentions with your body language when approaching and speaking to women.
In the current society, women are very skeptical about what they can expect from a man. It is hard to create a relationship of trust because they may have experienced a difficult encounter with a man or heard of something that keeps them on guard.
With the knowledge of how to use body language, you may be able to put a woman at ease by what your body language is saying to her and possibly get her to open up to you and be more trusting, allowing for meaningful connections to be established.
Having these skills I believe, will increase your confidence even when communicating verbally.
Knowing what a woman needs and desires through what you will learn from this book will allow you to communicate with confidence and convey your feelings.
You will rarely have doubts about what to say because you already know what is expected and what you want from the said situation. It can never be stressed enough that women love a confident man.
This looks good on you and you are on a scale of 7 to10 likely to get what you want.
Having spoken of the potential of tension and disagreements likely to be experienced in the context of a relationship, being aware of your nonverbal cues and those of your partner will be of help in deescalating conflict. Recognizing that your partner is angry or in a foul mood will give you a heads up on what to say and not say.
In instances where an argument brews up, you may be in the right state to hold back some words and reactions and change the course of a disagreement to a moment of disagreement and make things better.
I bet by now you understand why I call this book a cheat sheet. You get all the goodies in one place. This book is not only to be used as a way to improve your dating relationships. It is what it is intended for, yes.
But I challenge you to learn and grow your personality more from it.
Learning your nonverbal cues and body language and changing your habitual reactions to more practical and calculated responses will double your value in no time. Things that are particular about you don’t have to remain basic. I dare say that this is an opportunity for you to level up!
Learning this gem in communication can not only work to establish good relationships and dating life but can also help you recognize an inconsistent partner. The different types of body language also include negative nonverbal cues.
An example of this is when a woman says one thing but their body language shows the total opposite of it. An “I love you” statement is expected to be accompanied by positive body language. When accompanied by possible rolling of the eyes and a sigh, you should spot that as a red flag. This eBook allows you the opportunity to outsmart possible cheats and liars and keep yourself away from dramatic situations that only lead to pain and regret.
It is even possible to read the nonverbal communication signals of a group to help you and your boys, or not, in your approach game.
It would be so much fun to have a night out with the guys and identify a group of females, with who you can easily identify their characteristics depending on their body language.
Figuring them out would help in coming up with a good approach style, have fun together and even have one or two of you get lucky.
Mastering the different types of nonverbal cues will give you an edge in the dating arena and get her hooked.
We have established that careful observation of women’s body language will tell you volumes about their desires, motives, and emotions. A woman’s posture around you will tell you if she is at ease with you or not.
An open posture and leaning in to be closer to you is a good sign of attraction.
If she likes to maintain a notable distance between you then you know the attraction is minimal or non-existent. This will give you options to work with depending on what you want out of the situation.
Reading her facial expressions as well as her arms and legs can help cement your opinion. It is important to remember that nonverbal cues can easily be ambiguous and it is easy to misread them.
Her being all smiles around you and maintaining eye contact may not necessarily mean she is attracted to you. She may be feeling you on a more platonic level yet, having misread her body language, you go in for a kiss. I would not want to be you at that moment.
It is the exact reason I implore you to get a copy of this book so that you may easily be able to avoid some mishaps such as these. Some knowledge is not as useful as getting the full scope and I can bet you that you have more to gain by adding this information to your skillset.
For those in long-term relationships and marriages, this book will be a bonus in figuring out your partner’s nonverbal ways of communication. To assess this, there are things that you may have to consider. I have in detail expressed these in the book and how you can use incorporate them into your everyday lives.
For those in long-term relationships and marriages, this book will be a bonus in figuring out your partner’s nonverbal ways of communication. To assess this, there are things that you may have to consider. I have in detail expressed these in the book and how you can use incorporate them into your everyday lives.
You will need to be open-minded when learning your partner’s most basic and natural nonverbal responses. Not attaching meaning to specific cues will allow you to study your partner’s behavior in the crudest state.
Watching them in their element while conversing, interacting with other people, and doing the basic stuff will make it easy for you to understand their natural cues and how they respond nonverbally to different situations.
from those that are unconscious and unintentional will go a long way in accurately reading your partner’s body language and nonverbal cues.
She wouldn’t be able to fake anything if she wanted to. It may be of importance to learn her responses to your body language as well. In as much as you recognize her nonverbal cues, you should know that she is not blind to yours. Research indicates that women are more accurate in reading and responding to nonverbal cues than men.
Her being all smiles around you and maintaining eye contact may not necessarily mean she is attracted to you. She may be feeling you on a more platonic level yet, having misread her body language, you go in for a kiss. I would not want to be you at that moment.
It is the exact reason I implore you to get a copy of this book so that you may easily be able to avoid some mishaps such as these. Some knowledge is not as useful as getting the full scope and I can bet you that you have more to gain by adding this information to your skillset.
For those in long-term relationships and marriages, this book will be a bonus in figuring out your partner’s nonverbal ways of communication. To assess this, there are things that you may have to consider. I have in detail expressed these in the book and how you can use incorporate them into your everyday lives.
For those in long-term relationships and marriages, this book will be a bonus in figuring out your partner’s nonverbal ways of communication. To assess this, there are things that you may have to consider. I have in detail expressed these in the book and how you can use incorporate them into your everyday lives.
With this in mind, how she responds to your nonverbal cues is worth noting. Women barely fail to notice the little things, it kind of makes sense now, right? Well, two can play that game. With this knowledge, you will barely fail to notice the little stuff either. The best part is, that you won’t even be looking out. This is a skill you are adopting. A way of life.
We are not learning to be sneaky or catch each other doing small stuff that will work up the peace in the house. On the contrary, my aim in writing this book is to fill in the gaps of communication that most of us men lack, to achieve deeper and more meaningful relationships.
With this skill, you will be able to tell what works in your relationship and what doesn’t.
Are you attentive to her when conversing? Your body language will tell her that.
Remember that it can either be positive or negative. Looking into her eyes when you speak to her will show your presence and honesty. Holding her hands and smiling will show her affection and warmth. On the other hand, crossing your legs and having a frown on your face will tell her you are displeased.
It is important to use your hands to maintain the openness of the conversation.
It makes you more welcoming as opposed to folding hands or having them work on something else. That only says you are focused on that other thing and not your conversation.
Your eyes speak volumes. A glance in your direction, then the person immediately looking away when your eyes meet may or may not mean there is attraction. A woman may glance your way, accidentally meet your eyes, then look away quickly.
It may have just been accidental and this can be confirmed if the glance is not repeated. To confirm attraction, they are likely to respond positively. A smile maybe or stroking of the hair if you make eye contact with them a second time.
Lingering glances last longer than a few seconds. For two people who are attracted to each other, it is natural for them to hold eye contact. If you find that you and your partner locks eyes after smiling with each other or after sharing a joke, it may suggest that the two of you are connecting.
Avoiding eye contact is worth noting as well. It can however be voluntarily avoiding making eye contact or involuntarily doing so. You may find that the person was distracted and didn’t notice your effort to make eye contact.
I have stated the detailed meanings of different types of eye contact in the eBook and I bet these will go a long way in helping you while reading the connections you create and examining them.
This eBook is set up to impact your dating life to form meaningful and long-lasting relationships. You will allow your partner to express themselves, being able to understand them and meet them on their level of emotional need. Conflicts and disagreements will be better handled with the skillset you will gain.
Your relationship will have an enhanced understanding, making the two of you closer than you have been before. Seeing my clients form fulfilling connections and relationships is the reason for what I do and it is my aim with this product. I hope to hear of the differences that it makes for you.
To improve how you communicate nonverbally, you will have to put in some effort. We had earlier stated that you will have to practice what you learn to get the best out of this book.
It is not about learning how to read how other people communicate nonverbally only but also making a difference in the way you communicate as well.
Like everything else in this book, I have put my experience and knowledge as well as intense research to make it as educative as it is engaging and fun for you. The flash sale has just begun and this is your opportunity to get it first, at a discount.
The detail in the content will have you learning and eager to put everything to practice. I am pleased to be making this big leap with you. Wishing you all the best that this book has to offer.

Andrew 26
I love how this book opens up another dimension of communication that I was not aware of. I have never been the same since I read it. I notice a lot of things people do nonverbally when communicating and this has changed a lot in how I understand people and communicate. I have been able to tell what I do that makes my girlfriend uncomfortable and not do it again. I have made a lot of changes to how I conduct myself in the relationship, most of it from realization through reading her body language. Our relationship is so much better than before. Thank you, Emre.
Lingard 42
This book at first looked like a bilingual book. The aspect of body language was sort of a new thing to me and so when I got to understand that this is something all around us in the context of socialising, I wanted to learn more. This is a great skill to have. The difference in my marriage is unbelievable, even my wife noticed that I am “keener” on her and the children. It has also made a difference in my other relationships at work and my other interactions. I recommend it to everyone, reading this book is like adding a superpower to yourself.

Matthew 28
With Decoding Body Language, it feels like I have a manual for dating. Well, maybe in telling what the woman wants in dating per se but you know what I mean. In so many ways I can tell when a woman is approachable and when she is not. This works in all scenes. When reading it, I decided to test some things in real life. Now that I am done, I have adopted its teachings to become part of me. I can recognize very particular tells from women before approaching them when on dates and this has made a huge difference in my dating life.
Jamal 28
I have been following Emre’s teachings for a while now, I got to know about him from my colleague and he is the real deal. My dating life ever since has been great. I easily get girls, even though I haven’t been looking for anything long-term. This book “Decoding Body Language” though, wow. A game-changer. I have never been the same again since I read this book. I can read women tells very easily now and it has sort of made dating more natural. I rarely have to guess my next move because the lady’s body language and facial expressions tell me if I’m on point or missing it. More men should get it, it does make things easy.

Brian 34
Sometimes it’s hard to understand women. I should know that, having been married for three years. Even when dating I was having trouble understanding her. Getting married didn’t change much, but this book has been amazing. Through it I can read my wife’s emotions and moods without a word. Her facial expressions are the best tell, her body language, how she says things sometimes, like, her tone. They tell me a lot and I can respond in ways that show I understand and care about her. This has brought a lot of peace to my home and marriage.
Steve 24
Decoding Body Language is a favorite read of mine. I got it from my brother who said it would change how I did dating. On reading it, it was like my eyes were opened to a whole different perspective of communication. I was able to understand some things women do that seemed pretty unreadable before. I can understand women and how they carry themselves now. Being the gentleman I am, I can tell when my efforts are appreciated and when a woman wouldn’t care that I pulled up the chair for her. So, I know who to continue seeing and who to cut off. Thanks, bro, for this great gift.