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learn how to date

learn how to date

Robert, divorced after 25 years of marriage, found himself back in the dating scene without a clue how to meet women or how to date. He’d met his wife in a bar nearly thirty years ago, but going back to bars to meet women hadn’t been successful.

At 49, the women he met in bars simply weren’t his type and he didn’t know how to approach women in other settings. He came to Kama Lifestyles to learn how to date again, from approaching women in different settings to going on the first few dates and starting a relationship.

learn how to date

Robert’s biggest problem was that he lacked the confidence to approach women he found attractive and hold their interest. When learning how to date, the first step is learning how to engage the interest of women he wants to date.

(Here’s another useful blog article for you on building your self-awareness through confidence: How to Build Unstoppable Confidence and Date the Women of your Dreams).

Women find strong, confident men attractive, regardless of their age, income or looks and everyone can learn how to be attractive to women. In Robert’s case, he had to learn how to look and be confident, through how he presented himself and by controlling the subconscious messages his body language gave out.

Robert’s Kama Lifestyles coach worked with him to learn how to date by building up his confidence and teaching him how to use effective openers to strike up conversations with women.

Holding a woman’s interest depends on engaging her emotionally and the best way to do this is to ask her opinion on an emotive topic. Once Robert has her attention, he can use touch and body language to build attraction.

The angle at which he holds his body shows her his level of interest and can be used to feign indifference. Simple touches to her hands and arms shows his intentions and, if she is attracted to him, creates intimacy.

Robert’s coach took him to a bookshop to demonstrate the techniques he was learning about how to date. He showed him how to move from creating attraction to getting a phone number and leaving a lasting impression.

He let Robert try the methods he had learned and gave him advice on his weak points.

Since Robert felt comfortable with approaching women in different settings, his Kama Lifestyles coach moved on to settings for dates and the specifics of how to date.

He explained that the tradition of asking a woman out to dinner wasn’t the right things to do for a first date as it gives the impression that he’d be willing to spend money to spend time with her.

Sitting at a table also creates a barrier between him and his date, making it difficult, if not impossible, to use touch to create intimacy. A better idea is to invite her along to drink with friends or out for a cup of coffee.

(Here’s an awesome blog article on some general relationship advice: Relationship advice for men).

This has the added benefit of creating a non-threatening environment to build trust and comfort.

The coach’s advice on how to date didn’t end there. He discussed the right pace at which to move things forward, moving from attraction to intimacy to sex.

After his training, Robert spent a day in his favorite up-market shopping center, chatting to women in bookshops, coffee shops, and boutiques.

Out of all the women he met, Jenna was his favorite. He went on dates with a few of the women but decided that Jenna was right for him and has been on several more dates with her.

Robert’s Kamalifestyles coach taught him how to be successful with women, including giving him advice on building and maintaining attraction by using text messaging once he got a phone number.

Learning how to date was easier than he’d thought and equipped him with all the skills he needed to attract beautiful women.

Do you want to drastically improve your dating life?

Reach out to me today if you’d like some highly effective 1-on-1 Dating Training: CONTACT US

Emre Ilkme

Emre is author, dating coach and CEO founder of Kamalifestyles. He has written books which sold thousands of copies over a decade. Emre trained and coached many clients from all over the world and men of all ages on how to improve their confidence, relationships and dating.

He has expertise in confidence, approach and attraction and has been featured in top newspapers and radios. He is passionate on helping his clients to achieve great outcomes and make sure they are not held back by the limitations.