Alpha Male, Approach Women, Confidence

Its All about Confidence

Its All about Confidence

Now that we’ve taken a look at the problems men face when it comes to dating confidence, we’ll spend a little time with clients who have completed Kama Lifestyles training courses to see how they fared.

Barry, a twenty year old student from Galway, realised that he needed help with women and approached Kama Lifestyles. When he first came to us it was clear that he is intelligent and well-spoken, but he was painfully shy. He didn’t think much of his own looks and, to be honest, he looked a little scruffy and dressed badly.

All about Confidence

Being a student, Barry didn’t have a lot of spare cash lying around and felt that he couldn’t treat women to nights out and extravagant dates.

(If I were you I’d definitely check out this FREE eBook to help you deal with rejection: Confidence Pillars).

The Free Consultation

The first step in the process was to get Barry in for a free hour-long consultation with a qualified dating coach. During the consultation Barry explained what his problems were and briefly discussed his dating goals and desires.

Barry felt that he had a lot to learn and was concerned that others would look down on him for his lack of knowledge. He understood that a lack of confidence and low self-esteem were two of his greatest problems.

He also realised that the process may seem like a magical one, but that it takes hard work (work only he would be able to do).

The Coach’s Advice

The Kamalifestyles dating coach explained the importance of confidence and helped Barry to outline a few dating goals that would form the basis for his training and development.

He also explained that the Kama techniques are based on modifying behaviour and that the skills taught could be learned by anyone. In addition, Barry learned that part of the Kama service is to introduce clients to a new circle of friends.

(Another incredibly useful article to ensure you get her hooked: How to get a girl to like you).

These friends are usually on par when it comes to experience levels, and the friendship groups are designed to help members learn from each other. Barry was advised to sign up for the Supreme Confidence course in order to develop his confidence and provide a strong foundation for his future dating success.

The Supreme Confidence Course

The Kama Lifestyles Supreme Confidence course is based on teaching men strategies and techniques to master their own beliefs and attitudes as these ultimately affect their self-image and self-esteem.

It is designed to change one’s life immediately, bringing about a dramatic and long-lasting improvement in every aspect of life, including dating, social, and professional aspects. Barry learned how to change his negative attitude and beliefs, becoming more confident and successful in the process.

How Confidence Changed Barry’s Life

The changes to Barry’s life were immediate and obvious to himself and those around him. He became more successful socially and started working towards his dating and relationship goals immediately.

Since he is young he felt that it would be best to meet a few women and to learn about dating and relationships before committing to a long-term relationship.

Barry has no problem approaching any woman he likes and goes on dates regularly. He has updated his look and takes better care of his grooming. He is happier, more comfortable in his own skin, and is learning about himself on an ongoing basis.

Do you want to drastically improve your dating life?

Reach out to me today if you’d like some highly effective 1-on-1 Dating Training: CONTACT US

Iain Myles

Iain Myles is an internationally recognised dating coach and co-owner of the UK’s largest dating coaching company, Kamalifestyles. Iain is also an internet sensation thanks to the multiple viral videos posted through the YouTube channel KamaTV, which has grossed over 100 million views.

Iain has appeared in numerous newspaper columns and radio shows across the world. He is a regular contributor to BBC Radio in the UK.