I really want to kiss you!
Hi Guys it’s Iain here and so today i thought I’d spice things up a little – so I’m going to be showing you some real life infield footage of me approaching a cute girl with a much more direct “opener”. Guys I’d really encourage you to have a look at our confidence course at kamalifestyles.com as it will help you to approach girls without any kind of fear of rejection or embarrasment.
The confidence course is an intensive 8- week programme where we will look at your thoughts in a lot of detail. We will look at your fears, your limiting beliefs as well as certain childhood experiences which may be limiting you up to this point. Also I need to point out that this is a GLOBAL programme so it doesn’t matter if you’re in Australia or Canada or India, the internet will connect us together so we can deliver the programme through video chat. So to find out more please do click on the link in the video’s description below – you can also click on the card above and it will take you there! So anyway let’s watch the footage and see how the girl reacted, so stay tuned!
Want to kiss you
I really want to kiss you! How to be confident with girls?
So I hope you enjoyed watching that interaction. Guys this could easily easily have been you with the girl if you had the confidence to approach any girl you see walking past you. You’ll realise that this really isn’t as difficult as it looks, it’s kind of like learning to drive a car, once you’ve learnt how to control the vehicle you’re pretty much in autopilot mode through- out and all you need is a little practice and you’re off and away! Having that initial confidence will clear your mind when you interact with gorgeous women which means that you’ll be far more relaxed, your energy levels will be higher around her and you’ll know exactly what to say and when to say it. Think of a time in the past when you went out and everything was going well for you – we’ve all had one of those nights where everything just clicks, you’re so smooth and you feel like you can conquer the world. Well guys this isn’t an abnormality as it can repeat itself at your will once you have your beliefs and thoughts on the right track, you will literally be clearing it out when you go out!
Iain Myles is an executive dating coach of Kamalifestyles. He specializes in coaching men who have been looking for dating success and chronically unlucky with women. He publishes regular infield dating videos and social experiments in KamaTV. He’s highly experienced in live training of our clients on streets, coffee shops, in bars and clubs. Iain teaches the core principles of the approach that every guy needs to know to become successful in dating including confidence, conversational skills, connection and mind sets.
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