I can feel my phone viciously vibrating in my coat pocket.
Do you really think I would dare reach inside… for I knew what was waiting for me.
I begin to feel an uneasiness as the stress and tension oozes through the air.
“Oh dear God”, I thought to myself. “I must be well over 15 minutes late by now.. can’t this wretched taxi go any faster!”
I felt guilty…
Truth be told, this wasn’t the first time I was late meeting Iain Myles. And don’t get me wrong here either, it is nothing to do with the man himself. Just a shortfall of mine.
In fact, I am always late as lady’s always are (be warned as we take considerably longer to get ready than guys do).
But the feeling of remorse was much more potent on this particular Autumn today than ever before because I was on a lateness hat trick with Iain. “Oh boy”.
The glistening black taxi calmly pulls up in front of a boisterous bar in the City of London. I make it my mission to scatter my way inside, completely ignoring the long queue of people, who look at me as an angry mob.
And lo and behold, there he was! Stood at the heart of a facetious crowd of beautifully dressed Essex girls, with more skin than dress.
Is it ironic that I always seem to find him with attractive women? (it is moments like these we really ought to publicise more).
I felt guilty…
So we finally get together and settle ourselves down in the seated area of the venue, away from the hyperactive crowds. Discussions revolve around my radio interview today and the somewhat peculiar stance of the interviewer.
“I really ought to get Iain something as a gesture of forgiveness to the lad”, my conscience tells me.
I gaze into the distance, into the abyss of the crowds, and I suddenly spot an opening there to allow me to get a drink. So I make my way there whilst Iain holds fort.
As I’m making my way to the bar, something strikes me. Not so much a physical object but rather a visual anomaly. My ‘spidey sense’ gets alerted.
Literally, on my left hand side, I see a fairly average looking guy (in his 30’s) who obviously works somewhere in the locality, gathered from his black shoes and suit.
I notice him quite awkwardly and anxiously making his way towards a really mouthwatering and scantily clad blonde whom he taps on the shoulder.
“Well that’s just terrific!”, I ponder to myself. “I wonder what’s going to happen next…”
He comes out with a bit of a cheesy opener (better than nothing), which the girl barely takes notice of. Her body language doesn’t show a speck of interest in him as she barely flinches.
But this El Cid of a character doesn’t back down the slightest from the Ice Queen, “Good for you”. He carries on with the conversation despite her uninterested body language.
However, to my pleasant surprise, I notice that he slowly disengages her defences around him…
And he then actually manages to get her to turn towards him whilst her friends somehow magically disperse towards the dance floor. The scene could not be better, he’s in!
You’re probably thinking… well, he is just bold, confident and courageous, which is true. There is no doubt about that.
But putting the courage aside for a moment, there was much more going on.
On the fundamental level, to get her attracted to him, he was basically building a connection with her right there and then.
He was demonstrating the power of a decent and a quality conversation.
He was championing the very doctrine of conversation mastery!
I want to use this as an opportunity to ask you a question…
How would it feel if you too could be in his shoes and have that same level of skill, competency and mastery?
Do let me know your thoughts. Would love to hear your take on this too.
And I hope you enjoyed reading 🙂
Speak soon,
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Emre Ilkme
Emre is author, dating coach and CEO founder of Kamalifestyles. He has written books which sold thousands of copies over a decade. Emre trained and coached many clients from all over the world and men of all ages on how to improve their confidence, relationships and dating.
He has expertise in confidence, approach and attraction and has been featured in top newspapers and radios. He is passionate on helping his clients to achieve great outcomes and make sure they are not held back by the limitations.