So today I am going to talk about some of the topics you can use to talk with women
How to talk to women .One of the elements of dating and seduction is conversation or to be more precise the lack of. Time and time again it’s an area many guys get stuck with.
Think about the scenario; you manage to pluck up the courage to walk over to that pretty girl waiting at the bus stop and you successfully deliver an opening line but then what? Most guys get caught here, and either he or the girl walks away due to the awkward silence.
So it’s vitally important that you have this area covered and know where to go with the conversation after the opener.
It helps to have a few stories memorised but the most effective thing to do is to learn how to develop rapport with the person. Essentially it is about developing a connection.
Talk to women
The biggest mistake that most guys make with women is that they start asking them question after question like,”where are you from?” and before she has can fully answer, the guy has moved onto asking the next question which is yet another boring question that she has probably been asked time and time again.
Think about it, you go out with your friends to relax and enjoy yourself. The same goes for a girl so why would she want to keep talking to you if you keep bombarding her with boring questions about where she works or where she’s from?
Instead you should ask open ended questions or better yet, make actual statements. If you want to know where she’s from, guess! even if she’s not from say, “Spain” like you guessed, the reason you thought that place will intrigue her.
This also gives you a valuable way of bringing the conversation to where you want it to go, as you could have a great story memorised of a time when you lived and worked in Spain.
If you’re interested in sports you could tell her that she looks sporty or she looks like she is a fitness instructor which will give you a chance to talk about yourself and what YOU’RE comfortable talking about.
Iain Myles is an executive dating coach of Kamalifestyles. He’s highly experienced in live training of our clients on streets, in bars and clubs. Iain teaches the core principles of the approach that every guy needs to know to become successful in dating.
Hope you enjoy!
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Iain Myles
Iain Myles is an internationally recognised dating coach and co-owner of the UK’s largest dating coaching company, Kamalifestyles. Iain is also an internet sensation thanks to the multiple viral videos posted through the YouTube channel KamaTV, which has grossed over 100 million views.
Iain has appeared in numerous newspaper columns and radio shows across the world. He is a regular contributor to BBC Radio in the UK.