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How to stop reacting and start responding to women?

Hi guys this is the one and only expert dating coach Annabella Rose here from Today I will be talking about How to stop reacting and start responding to women. Before we start please click that cheeky subscribe button and turn on the notifications as there will be many videos coming into your way!

We, as women, can be very emotional and petty at times. We will find your attention one way or another. Before you agree with a cheeky grin, you should now that we do this to the people we care about. However, sometimes we might push your buttons a little more than we should in the mission to get your attention.

How to stop reacting and start responding to women?

A confident alpha male will not react when we push these buttons but respond to our behavior. You have been wondering why women throw themselves at confident and alpha males. There you have it. They respond rather than react. Women want to feel safe with the guy they are with, and it’s unpredictable what a reactive guy would do when you push their buttons.

The phenomenon of reaction and response is very similar. They are both a result of a stimulus. When your girl says something that you find offensive or unfair, what do you do? The action you take without thinking is a reaction, and the one you try to understand where she is coming from before acting is the response.

The reaction is not always your best friend when it comes to a healthy relationship because you might say things you don’t mean. Reaction focuses on downplaying the other person without consideration of the bigger picture. Now, you need to talk to this person later on, and if your reaction is considered hostile, the gulf between you will have grown bigger. Response to situations gives more stable and positive outcomes as compared to a reaction. In today’s video, we are going to explore how to stop reacting and start responding to women.

Learn to be a good listener

I will not tell you the jibber-jabber that you find on the internet about how men should be good listeners. We all have to listen to each other to make things work. Now, I am here because of you and not as an advocate for my sisters. It’s about making things better for you. Good listeners take time to process things before they act. Listening to someone can tell you a lot of things about them.

How to stop reacting and start responding to women?

You can know where they are coming from what they are saying. With all that information, you have the power to drive things your way. You’ll know the appropriate response to give to whatever you are facing from her. On the other hand, if she is yelling and you are yelling, there is no communication, and that gives room for reaction.

Annabella Rose is a Dating Coach, author and youtube presenter. She regularly publishes videos on KamaTV. She takes clients in to the bar and clubs and teaches her magic! Her speciality is approach and attraction. She also helps to develop confidence and conversational skills and gives honest perspective on the world of women from a woman’s point of view. Most of our clients say “the best advice ever” after talking to Annabella..

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Emre Ilkme

Emre is author, dating coach and CEO founder of Kamalifestyles. He has written books which sold thousands of copies over a decade. Emre trained and coached many clients from all over the world and men of all ages on how to improve their confidence, relationships and dating.

He has expertise in confidence, approach and attraction and has been featured in top newspapers and radios. He is passionate on helping his clients to achieve great outcomes and make sure they are not held back by the limitations.