Alpha Male, Approach Women, Blog, Dating Advice

How to pick up girls

How to pick up girls

How to pick up girls

A lot of guys are afraid of approaching a woman and staying with her in the conversation because they do not have the right information, courage and enough practise.

This is the reason why you will find some men taking some alcohol before they can talk to a woman or they don’t approach during the day time. Gentlemen, Welcome to the third part of our How To Pick Up Girls series.

How to pick up girls

Today I’m going to demonstrate the important parts to picking up girls, and I’m also going to explain the theory behind it! So, let’s watch it! Iain Myles is an executive dating coach of Kamalifestyles.

He’s highly experienced in live training of our clients on streets, in bars and clubs. Iain teaches the core principles of the approach that every guy needs to know to become successful in dating.

Hope you enjoy!

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Iain Myles

Iain Myles is an internationally recognised dating coach and co-owner of the UK’s largest dating coaching company, Kamalifestyles. Iain is also an internet sensation thanks to the multiple viral videos posted through the YouTube channel KamaTV, which has grossed over 100 million views.

Iain has appeared in numerous newspaper columns and radio shows across the world. He is a regular contributor to BBC Radio in the UK.