Blog, Infield Videos

How to make a girl laugh?

Hi Guys and Girls, it’s Iain Myles here, the executive dating coach for Kamalifestyles in the UK, and Ireland and the world! My lovely people, I am pleased to say that I’m back with yet another exciting, action- packed & real- life infield video for you today. Today I will demonstrate how to get that success with women and how to create that real attraction with women.

To be more specific however, in today’s video, I’m going to be talking to you about the concept of humour and laughter in relation to interacting with women for the very first time. The million- dollar question here is – should we be funny when engaging with women? And if so, how do we pull it off and how can we make a girl laugh? So this is what we’re going to be focusing on today. Before we cut to the chase though, I just want to remind you that I released a brand new book on Dating a couple of weeks ago, which I have literally been working on for months upon months on end.

Make a girl laugh

The book’s called Social Anxiety: A Gentleman’s Ultimate Guide & Cure for Approach Anxiety. And it basically goes into depth as to what approach anxiety really is. In this book, I show you perspectives that will help you manage approach anxiety and that will help you overcome it. The book also goes on to explain why you shouldn’t let the difficulties you experience when cold- approaching beautiful women for the first time, why you shouldn’t let it bring you down and demoralise you.

You see the moment you have fun with cold approach and the moment you accept it for what it is, that’s also the moment you have figured it out. Guys this book really is the holy grail for any guy who wants to increase his confidence and success around women, I’d highly recommend it. So definitely click on the link in the video’s description right down below, to find out more. You can also click on the card, right above, to take you directly to the book’s page.

So anyway, and without further adieu, let’s watch the infield footage I prepared and let’s see what we can learn from the interaction. So stay tuned!

Ebooks are on sale

Iain Myles is an executive dating coach of Kamalifestyles. He specializes in coaching men who have been looking for dating success and chronically unlucky with women. He publishes regular infield dating videos and social experiments in KamaTV. He’s highly experienced in live training of our clients on streets, coffee shops, in bars and clubs. Iain teaches the core principles of the approach that every guy needs to know to become successful in dating including confidence, conversational skills, connection and mind sets. He has been featured in top radios and newspapers in UK and Ireland.

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