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How to get a girl to kiss you?

How to get a girl to kiss you?
It’s challenging sometimes to know what a woman wants. Body language and nonverbal cues can be easily misinterpreted. A simple mishap can make a woman withdraw or worse, shut down on you. However, making a girl kiss you can eliminate all the guessing that goes on if she’s ready or not. Also, the advantage of getting a girl to kiss you is it opens the door wide open for escalation. You can take the kiss and lead her into something more interesting.
In this blog, we’ll explore various techniques of how to get a girl to kiss you. Although I don’t know the existing relationship between you and the girl you want or the personality and individuality of both of you, these simple techniques can be twisted a little to fit you and help you get a kiss from a girl you want. 1.     Make yourself irresistible. The majority of women are rarely attracted by looks but they sure appreciate it. The thing is most women avoid negative publicity when they are in public. So, they display a positive public image to avoid getting judged or attracting the wrong type of attention.

How to get a girl to kiss you?

It’s easy for a guy to kiss a girl because at that moment the thing that matters to most guys is getting what they want. However, for women, it’s challenging because they tend to overthink the situation which might not always end in your favor. (How to tell she sleep around: signs she sleeps around). Working on your presentation gives the woman the confidence to be around you. It reduces the negative tabs when she’s overthinking the situation. That can make it easier for her to become daring and draw in for a kiss. First, trim your facial hair no matter how cool you think they are. Clean cut sends a subtle nonverbal message that you are conscious of your hygiene. Fresh breath is a goldmine if you want a woman to kiss you. Smelling like onions on your date isn’t going to give a woman some provocative thoughts. Play with her sense of smell with your fresh-scented breath. (Learn different techniques how to make a girl want you? Check this out: how to make a girl want you). 2.     Set the mood right. Unless it’s truth or dare, or she’s super drunk, most women will be shy to kiss a guy they just met in front of their friends. However, you can get a woman to do daring things when she’s comfortable with the situation. Setting the mood right sets you up for success because the woman will have fewer distractions. Ideally, isolating the woman and taking her to a quiet place with dimmed lights can work the magic. The dimmed lights will give the woman the confidence to be daring. When the lights are too bright, a woman might want to kiss you but be shy. Stimulating all the woman’s senses makes you more irresistible. For example, sweet scent and slow instrumental music can trigger the right amount of sexual tension that can compel a woman to desire to kiss your online dating coach for men. 3.     Show her your interest. The next tip of how to get a girl to kiss you is to show her you are interested in her. Building confidence and comfort is crucial when trying to get a girl to kiss you. Women are not daring, and they’ll rarely show their interest when they’ve not figured out what you want. Showing your interest will give the girl the confidence to kiss you. Also, in the process of showing your interest, you can trigger sexual tension that will inspire good sexual chemistry. Good sexual chemistry makes a woman comfortable even with the idea of being the first one to reach for a kiss. 4.     Break the touch barrier. Touch can be a compelling sensation to a woman when there’s sexual tension. It can help you escalate with the woman and get her to kiss you. Most women put their guards up when they are talking to a new guy. Distance is one of the common nonverbal cues that can tell you if a woman is comfortable around you. Breaking the touch barrier can inspire a woman to kiss you. When you break the touch barrier, it opens a new form of communication. When you are close to a woman and you are speaking to her, the emotions running in the conversation tend to be deeper than when there’s a significant distance between you. 5.     Build a connection Most women kiss guys they are interested in. However, how to get a girl to kiss you will depend on the connection you have. Women kiss guys based on how the guy makes them feel. Building a connection allows you to understand what the woman desires. You can use that knowledge as an added advantage and get her hooked on you.
How to kiss a girl

How to get a girl to kiss you?

Most guys fall in the friend’s zone is because they couldn’t form a connection that inspired sexual attraction. You’ll find it easy to build a connection with women when you have mastered your conversation skills. When you’ve mastered the conversation skills, it becomes seamless for you to bridge and transition the topics to trigger the emotions you desire. 6.     Understand her body language and nonverbal cues. How to get a girl to kiss you is significantly related to how well you understand her. Kissing is a big step for a woman, and you don’t want her to feel like she was tricked into it. Women feel like they are walking on thin ice when they are the ones making the first move. She will withdraw when she feels that she’s doing too much. Being able to identify the cues that a woman is into you, can put you in a good place to make her kiss you. Understanding a woman’s body language and nonverbal cues can help you with timing. Timing is crucial when you want a woman to kiss you. You don’t want to go in too fast, and you also don’t want to give her much time to overthink outcomes. 7.     Use your mastery in flirtation Building sexual tension is key when you want to get a girl to kiss you. Flirting with a woman you like can trigger similar feelings which can get you closer to securing a kiss. Combining verbal and nonverbal flirting techniques can make you irresistible. A woman will find it challenging to withhold her desires when you are magnifying all her fantasies. Maintaining eye contact can also create moments of intense emotions. Most people find it easy to trust people that maintain eye contact during a conversation. Brushing your lips during a conversation can bring the woman’s attention to your lips. Highlighting your lips during the conversation to capture a woman’s attention can draw the type of attention you desire. When a woman becomes curious about how it would be if she kissed you, you are almost hitting the home run if you play your cards right. 8.     Don’t make her the prize You can lose a woman you want because you thought of how to get her for too long. Overthinking how to do something is usually a sign that you are anxious to do it. Most guys experience anxiety when they are approaching or escalating with a woman. But when the woman is the ultimate prize, the stakes go high, and the level of anxiety also goes up. Approaching a woman with a goal but a fluid mindset can make you an interesting person. You’ll adapt easily to topics and have an open mind to explore them. You’ll create a genuine connection which women tend to find compelling. Most women cannot let a guy they feel he is a limited edition to slide by. How to respond when you try to kiss a girl and it fails Even the best of us sometimes misread people. However, what sets apart skillful guys with women is how they handle a hurdle when they face one. You might have gone in too early or noticed when she’s already lost interest. How you pull back from a failed kiss can trigger an awkward silence or refresh you for another try. Acknowledging a woman’s discomfort after a failed kiss will put her at ease with you as you continue interacting. However, as soon as you acknowledge the discomfort, change the topic to something that might interest you both. Maintaining calm body language throughout and a smile can reduce the stress in the awkward moment you might be facing. Final Take How to get a girl to kiss you will be made successful with the emotions that you trigger and forge a connection with. Building trust can help you forge other crucial aspects of your interaction such as confidence and comfort, which can motivate a woman to want to kiss you. There’s more that goes into attracting a woman and getting her to kiss you. However, if you don’t get it the first time, you can still do it again, but you’ll be more experienced! Reach out to me today if you’d like some highly effective 1-on-1 Dating Training: CONTACT US

Emre Ilkme

Emre is author, dating coach and CEO founder of Kamalifestyles. He has written books which sold thousands of copies over a decade. Emre trained and coached many clients from all over the world and men of all ages on how to improve their confidence, relationships and dating.

He has expertise in confidence, approach and attraction and has been featured in top newspapers and radios. He is passionate on helping his clients to achieve great outcomes and make sure they are not held back by the limitations.