How to get a first date instantly? Date video!
Hi guys its Iain Myles here from and today I’m gonna be showing you , with live infield footage, how to get a first date with a girl instantly, there and then ! Guys if you’ve always wanted to be able to do this yourself and if you’ve always wanted to learn the skills to pick up hot girls right from the street with minimal effort then please do checkout And in particular have a look at our residential training page as we’ve posted a whole host of videos of me training clients live. But anyway let’s watch the footage of me picking up this girl and taking her on a date , so stay tuned !
Okay so what can we learn from the footage. Well i could go on and on and talk about the things that I’ve done well in the interaction and the tricks you need to get you that instant date but I’m not going to…or at least today! You see a lot of guys come to me and they ask me how they can get rid of their anxiety in their interactions. Guys ask me how i can be so relaxed in my interactions. How can you approach with very little anxiety whilst maintaining that good eye contact and know what to say all in one go? I mean there are obviously going to be a number of reasons but one thing that helped me a lot in this interaction was the fact that i was well rested on that day.
How to get a first date instantly? Date video!
Guys it’s important to get enough rest and don’t underestimate what you can achieve with a clear mind. We can sometimes get so fully consumed by work that it effects our conversational flow and our general optimism when we’re dating with women. So remember to work on your general well being. Get into a regular gym routine where you’re working on your fitness and your physical appearance. And you’ll see that it shows in your interactions. You’ll be way more energetic, focused and plus you’ll look more physically attractive so you’ll be able to hook the hot girls much easier. So working out often and especially if you raise the heart rate for extended periods of time will also help you relax. But also fundamentally it will shape you into that well rounded guy who has his stuff together.
Iain Myles is an executive dating coach of Kamalifestyles. He specializes in coaching men who have been looking for dating success and chronically unlucky with women. He publishes regular infield dating videos and social experiments in KamaTV. He’s highly experienced in live training of our clients on streets, coffee shops, in bars and clubs. Iain teaches the core principles of the approach that every guy needs to know to become successful in dating including confidence, conversational skills, connection and mind sets.
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