Alpha Male, Dating, Dating Advice, Dating Coach

Hands-On Approach

Hands-On Approach

Hands-On Approach

This month we’re spending time with clients who have completed Kama Lifestyles dating courses to see how their lives have changed.

One of the aspects of the Kama Lifestyles service that sets the company apart from other dating consultants is the in-field training where coaches demonstrate techniques and allow clients to practice under supervision.

Jonathan came to Kama to improve his skills with women. He was more advanced than a beginner, but didn’t quite see himself as an expert either. He felt confident enough and was happy with his appearance, but felt that he needed a third party to point out his weaknesses and to help him polish his skills.

Hands-On Approach

Jonathan came to see us to discuss the best course for him. In-field coaching is tailored for everyone from beginners to experts, and focuses on transferring skills by showing clients how it’s done and watching and guiding them while they practice.

(Here’s another great article with insights on how to build a connection with a girl: How to Seduce a Woman).

Since Kama Lifestyles offers a 100% money back guarantee, Jonathan knew that he had nothing to lose and signed up immediately.

Kamlifestyles In-Field Coaching

The In-Fields Coaching course takes two months to complete, with 12 hours one on one training with a qualified, experienced instructor.

Hands-On Approach

Phone and email support is available throughout the course at no extra charge. The course is made up of demonstration and practice, with coaches showing clients how to adapt their body language, tone of voice, and other social skills to become successful with women.

Understanding how it should be done means that you have a clear idea of how to integrate new skills into your own behaviour and skill set. The instructor acts as your wingman, pointing out areas where you need to improve.

How the Kamalifestyles In-Field Coaching Changed Jonathan’s Game

Jonathan is in his mid-thirties and works as a hospitality manager in Dublin. His job requires excellent social skills, but the type of skills he had were geared towards being friendly and engaging only on the surface.

He watched the Kama Lifestyles instructor in action and realised where he was going wrong, from his approach to the moment where he got the woman’s number. He learned how to improve his conversation skills and how to deal with pauses in the conversation.

Jonathan, like so many other men, thought that he could only approach women in clubs and bars, but seldom felt like visiting night spots on his days off. The Kama course showed him how he could meet women anywhere, from his place of work to the supermarket.

(No one likes a “try hard”. Read this for some useful tips: How to seduce a girl).

After his Kamalifestyles coaching Jonathan was able to approach more than 20 attractive women a day, coming away with more numbers and dates than ever before.

He learned how to switch women’s body language to create interest signals, and how to update his approach and dating skills to become more successful than he ever thought he could be.

Jonathan met his perfect match a month after he completed his training and they recently decided to move in together. His long-term goal was to settle down with a woman, but he wanted her to be someone he chose. He has never been happier and intends to propose in the near future.

Do you want to drastically improve your dating life?

Reach out to me today if you’d like some highly effective 1-on-1 Dating Training: CONTACT US

Emre Ilkme

Emre is author, dating coach and CEO founder of Kamalifestyles. He has written books which sold thousands of copies over a decade. Emre trained and coached many clients from all over the world and men of all ages on how to improve their confidence, relationships and dating.

He has expertise in confidence, approach and attraction and has been featured in top newspapers and radios. He is passionate on helping his clients to achieve great outcomes and make sure they are not held back by the limitations.