Hey guys, it’s me Iain Myles here from Kamalifestyles. And I, once again, just wanted to thank those of you who’ve signed- up to my FREE upcoming webinar, which is The Approach Accelerator Webinar. Now.. for those of you who are not aware, I’m going to be hosting a unique webinar on Sunday 8th March, where you will learn how to really build and develop your confidence and your mindset to a whole new level, when approaching women.
Good looks alone won’t get you women | Free Webinar Approach Accelerator
So I’m going to be sharing my unique system with you, completely free of charge, because I really want this to make a difference to the world and to guy’s lives. But please, be warned, because spaces on the webinar will undoubtedly be LIMITED, so I’d encourage you to reserve a spot right now, before someone else gets there before you. If you want to save yourself a space, then simply click on the webinar registration page link in the video’s description, right down below, and just add your email address in the box and that’s all, DONE.
But look.. don’t worry, as I’m going to post the link in the comments section too, in case you overlook the video’s description link. You know, I’m really excited about the webinar, because I’ve been thinking.. dreaming about sharing this stuff for a very very long time, so definitely tune in when the time comes in a few weeks!
So, at this exact moment, you’re probably thinking to yourself, “Iain.. the webinar sounds all and well, but I’m simply not attractive enough to get that really gorgeous woman I desire. The super hot women that I see always go for those tall, good looking guys, but not me. So what’s the point of me attending?”. This is the classic case of thinking, where a guy thinks success with women is all about looks, money or status, when in reality it’s so far from the truth. So let me tell you a story.
Good looks alone won’t get you women | Free Webinar Approach Accelerator
Iain Myles is an executive dating coach of Kamalifestyles. He specializes in coaching men who have been looking for dating success and chronically unlucky with women. He publishes regular infield dating videos and social experiments in KamaTV. He’s highly experienced in live training of our clients on streets, coffee shops, in bars and clubs. Iain teaches the core principles of the approach that every guy needs to know to become successful in dating including confidence, conversational skills, connection and mind sets. He has been featured in top radios and newspapers in UK and Ireland.
Hope you enjoy!
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Iain Myles
Iain Myles is an internationally recognised dating coach and co-owner of the UK’s largest dating coaching company, Kamalifestyles. Iain is also an internet sensation thanks to the multiple viral videos posted through the YouTube channel KamaTV, which has grossed over 100 million views.
Iain has appeared in numerous newspaper columns and radio shows across the world. He is a regular contributor to BBC Radio in the UK.