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Do girls like metrosexual guys?

Do girls like metrosexual guys?

Hi Guys Annabel Mizel here from KamaTV. Do girls like metrosexual guys? dating a metrosexual man could be a challenge:) Well groomed is one thing and living in a beauty salon is another. Guys maybe I want my man to be a man, and not spending more time to decide on getting a manicure or pedicure! or chances are good he’ll end using my exfoliating face wash and skin care products! So guys without further a due lets go and ask the girls, stay tuned!

Annabel Mizel is Kamalifestyles youtube presenter and she regularly publishes infield videos on KamaTV. She takes clients in to the bar and clubs and takes part in the bootcamps! She gives honest perspective on the world of women from a woman’s point of view and helps our clients to develop confidence.

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