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Dating coach for guys

Dating coach for guys

Dating is daring because you never know what you’ll experience or encounter in your endeavors. You are not only trying to get the woman you are attracted to, but you also have to outshine other men that approach her.

Dating coach for guys

Guys experience anxiety about dating because of all the unknown expectations and balance they need to master to get the girl they long for. As a guy, you have to find balance in how you approach a woman, how you talk to her, the feelings you inspire, and how you escalate.


A dating coach for guys will help you to build the crucial skills that you need to stay ahead in the game. Kamalifestyles has been helping guys for many years to improve their dating skills, boost their self-esteem, and help guys understand their worth in dating.


( learn how to seduce a girl in bed: how to seduce a girl )


One thing that my years as a dating coach have taught me is every guy has the IT factor to attract women. In this blog, you’ll explore tips that will inspire you to have a fun, exciting, and successful date.


1.    Understand your personality


Women can be intimidating especially when you are not comfortable around them. Understanding your personality in dating helps you know your dating strengths and weaknesses.


How do you interact with women? In what ways do you find it easy to initiate and build a conversation with women? You might not be successful with women but everyone that interacts with you feels you are hilarious. You can use humor as your main strategy to get the women you desire.


( how to know she is sexually experienced: signs she is sexually experienced)


The reason most guys find dating challenging is because they dive into the unknown when they approach a woman. Most guys try to analyze the woman and come up with possible things she might be impressed with and start with them.


(I have something for you that will make your dating life easier! Check out this FREE eBook: Get a Girl to Like You).


You’ll find it challenging to bring your A-game because you are trailing in the unknown. Understanding yourself puts you in a better position to display your strengths and attract a woman.


You’ll also know areas you are not strong and avoid them in the initial stages of your interactions with a girl.


(cute ways to ask a girl to be your girlfriend? Check this out: cute ways to ask a girl to be your girlfriend).


2.    Take advantage of the online platform.


Online dating provides gazillion chances for guys to find the women they desire. It’s a good place to start approaching women and grow comfortable talking to women. It’s not as complicated because when you meet a woman on a dating app she’ll immediately know your intention.


That can be a blessing and a curse at the same time depending on how you approach it. When a woman already understands your intention is getting her, she can set the bar high. Online dating is competitive and you can be gaming the same girl with 100 other guys at the same time dating coach for men.



However, a real connection is built with the presence of an emotional bond. I take online platforms as places you can approach a woman you might desire. The true game will come in person but you also have to display an impressive game online.


Take time to create an attractive dating profile that will trigger a woman’s curiosity. When a woman is curious about you, they give you a longer leash to get and understand you. You’ll have a chance to stretch her boundaries and trigger an emotional connection.


3.    Understand the ‘why’


Why do you want to date? Dating can get challenging and when you don’t know your ‘why’ you might not have the right strength and motivation.

Dating coach for guys

Understanding why you want to date is an indication that you are ready to date. Dating can get overwhelming because you’ll meet thousands of beautiful women you’ll find attractive. Being spoiled for choice can also be distractive.


You’ll know the kind of woman you want to attract when you know why you want to date. It will help you filter through women you find attractive and approach a woman you desire.


(Here’s a great eBook that will help you understand yourself better: Confidence Pillars).


When you are gaming a woman, she’ll let you escalate when she likes what she’s receiving, hearing, or seeing. Understanding your ‘why’ allows you to understand what you are willing to give and make a compromise for when you meet the girl you desire.


You become more self-aware and persuasive when you know what you are trading in the dating game.


4.    Good guys get into the friend’s zone.


It’s a common misconception that girls are attracted to good guys. But in reality, most good guys get girls talking to them about another guy they are interested in.


Girls like good guys, but every girl craves a guy that can make their dark desires come to life. Bad boys are successful with women because they give them the thrill of love and lust that most women secretly desire.


However, being a bad boy is not about being a lousy or shady person to a woman. Women still have to be treated with a certain degree of delicacy to maintain their attraction and interest.


You can become a guy that women are attracted to when you are mysterious and daring. Daring personality in dating shows a high level of confidence that women like.



A mysterious touch to your personality will capture and retain a woman’s interest in you. Gaining the woman’s interest is crucial because it’s what will inspire her to want to impress you.


The dating coach for guys can help you build a personality with an edge that women crave.


5.    Don’t always go hunting


Confidence in dating can easily be built with the increase in your success with women. Unfortunately, the opposite is also plausible. Your confidence in dating can be negatively impacted when you keep getting rejected by the women you approach.


You’ll become a high-value guy that attracts women when you know when to show up and when to let the women make their move. Beautiful women know that guys will flock and try them. Taking a step back makes you different from guys that approach and try to impress her.


(I’d highly recommend having a read of the following article: How to get a girl to like you).


A woman will be inspired to approach you if she thinks you are a good catch but you are not approaching her. Women that are not bold to approach you will make their presence felt so that you notice and maybe approach them.


Taking a step back from hunting increases your value. However, you have to display the qualities that women desire in men to get women attracted to you.


6.    Sweeten your tongue


Your tongue holds the magic to get any woman you want. Nothing can inspire emotions more than deep conversations. Most guys want to have small talk and still attract the woman they desire.


Small talk provides an awesome platform to build rapport. But you need to go deeper past small talk to inspire a woman’s emotions. Most women are closely connected to their emotions and when you understand how to trigger deep emotions, you’ll become unforgettable to many women you interact with.


You can have a silver tongue when you are well motivated. Looking for something that makes a woman stand out and makes you want to score her can trigger a silver tongue.


However, not all guys will find it easy to have a silver tongue. Programs such as the Script Builder at Kamalifestyles gives you structures and ideas of how to express yourself using the most persuasive techniques. The genius behind the script builder is that it uses your stories to make you exceptional and attractive.


7.    Take rejection with pride.


You can bring your a-game and still get turned down by a woman you desire. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean that your game is whack. Most guys get discouraged from approaching beautiful women because of rejection.


Well, I’m here to tell you that rejection is an occupational hazard in dating. Women have a million reasons they can turn a guy down sometimes even when they are attracted to the guy.



Understanding that it’s just a bad day at the office, can help your dating confidence from being shuttered by rejection.


Learning how to handle rejection can also boost your dating confidence as you get to interact with more women. The more women you interact with the better you’ll understand your strengths, weaknesses, and what women desire.


8.   Build an alpha appearance


Remember dressing to impress can get you the one in the dress. Women are more conscious about who they are seen with. When a woman is impressed by your appearance, she’ll be comfortable being seen with you.


Grooming well combined with an elegant sense of style gives you an edge that women appreciate. But the secret advantage of working on your appearance is the emotions it inspires in women you talk with. Women tend to be more comfortable being approached by elegantly dressed men.


Building an alpha appearance goes beyond looking good. It’s about feeling good and inspiring those around you to feel good about themselves. Alpha males pose body language and nonverbal cues that inspire trust and comfort in women.


Using your body language to initiate contact before you approach a woman can make a woman approachable. Most people subconsciously mimic other people’s body language. A calm and comfortable body language will trigger a similar effect on a woman.




Sharpening your flirting skills can make you very appealing and persuasive to women. Flirting inspires a woman to feel good about herself which can inspire a woman to become permissive to your escalation.


The secret to becoming good at flirting is to interact with a woman like she’s familiar. You’ll be composed and your punchlines will come out naturally.


Dating coach for guys doesn’t have to be for a guy that’s struggling to get women. There is a wide range of dating skills that you can master from getting coached by experienced dating coaches.


Kamalifestyles has some of the best dating coaches and programs that can propel you to seduction levels most men just dream about. If you can hack a woman’s mind, you’ll for sure have her heart. Get trained by the best-certified dating coaches today!


Reach out to me today if you’d like some tailored 1-on-1 Dating Training: CONTACT US


Emre Ilkme

Emre is author, dating coach and CEO founder of Kamalifestyles. He has written books which sold thousands of copies over a decade. Emre trained and coached many clients from all over the world and men of all ages on how to improve their confidence, relationships and dating.


He has expertise in confidence, approach and attraction and has been featured in top newspapers and radios. He is passionate on helping his clients to achieve great outcomes and make sure they are not held back by the limitations.