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Communication Techniques To Attract Women | Free Live Webinar

Communication Techniques To Attract Women | Free Live Webinar

Hey guys, it’s Iain here, and welcome to yet another exciting video on my upcoming webinar on mastering the art of
flirtation. Now, we are nearing the launch date of the webinar, and I am so humbled by the number of people who have already signed up for the free live webinar.

Thank you so much for your support. Remember that, we STILL have a few spaces open if you are interested in joining. However, the slots are going super fast, so you better start signing up now. All you need to do is to click on the link – click on the link in the video’s description right down below, and it will take you to the webinar’s registration page.

So, in today’s video, I am going to look at communication and really open up your perspective to give you unlimited possibilities. Communication is one of the areas that I am going to provide you a more in-depth insight on, during the webinar, and help you master different techniques and styles. Before I do so, I want you to think about the following;

  • Do you have that person that you avoid because you don’t want to talk to them?
  • Have you ever blocked someone on social media because of what they said?
  • Do you often feel misunderstood by people, especially women?

Communication Techniques To Attract Women | Free Live Webinar

People’s actions or what they say stir, leads to either a positive or negative emotional effect. People can forget what you said, or what you did, but not how you made them feel. I have been coaching men and helping them master different skills that will make them better lovers and increase their success with women for more than a decade. One of the skills that is highly underrated is our ability to have quality conversations.

Everyone can have a conversation but it takes someone who has mastered its art to have a quality conversation. A quality conversation is supposed to leave you inspired, motivated, or they leave you feeling like you have made a real personal connection. However, we are living in an age that humans are more polarized than ever. Every subject you think of has the potential to become a heated argument.

People have diverse beliefs, and a good or bad conversation is judged from a person’s moral compass of what they agree and disagree with. So, how can you possibly have a decent conversation without stepping on anyone’s toes?

Communication Techniques To Attract Women | Free Live Webinar

Iain Myles is an executive dating coach of Kamalifestyles. He specializes in coaching men who have been looking for dating success and chronically unlucky with women. He publishes regular infield dating videos and social experiments in KamaTV.

He’s highly experienced in live training of our clients on streets, coffee shops, in bars and clubs. Iain teaches the core principles of the approach that every guy needs to know to become successful in dating including confidence, conversational skills, connection and mind sets. He has been featured in top radios and newspapers in UK and Ireland.