7 day Marbella Bootcamp

Designed to teach you the mindsets and the skills that will increase your
dating success and get the girls you have always wanted.

Location: Marbella/SPAIN

Dates : 25th of August to 31st of August, 2019

7 day Marbella Bootcamp

For seven day Kamalifestyles team will take you on a journey that will change your dating life forever. This is the most advanced program on the market and it is strictly designed for those who are serious about achieving the best results possible and completely transform their success with women. This is no ordinary boot camp. This is no ordinary holiday. It’s a life changing experience. We will be staying in the very best location, in the centre of all of the Marbella hotspots. Our dating seminars will be held every day, and later we will hit the beach and clubs, and, to make things even more exciting, you and your group will be given assignments and missions to complete.The Bootcamp is designed to engage you with practical steps that enhance your confidence in meeting, attracting and connecting with more women.

This not your average Dating Bootcamp, with some guy talking for hours. The Bootcamp will run small practical groups and sets for personalized and in detail training. Every single guy who spends the week with us in Marbella will benefit from this experience, and change the way they meet and interact with women forever!

Our goal is simple, we want to get your dating life handled right now

Basically, we are absolutely dedicated to setting your dating life on the right path. FOREVER

The truth is, 99 percent of men do not have this area of there life handled, it’s a fact, and as a result we end up living in denial and repressing our true desires. This is no way to go through life, and since there are training programmes available in every other area of our lives ( fitness, business, diet ) it is essential that we get training in our dating and relationships, one of the most important parts of living.

Dating, meeting, attracting approaching and building relationships with the opposite sex is one of the most exciting and rewarding areas of your life. The average male is in very few relationships before he settles down and gets married, but what if, with the right training, you could make your dating life overflow with possibility and choice, If you could live a life of abundance rather than lack, if you had the confidence, social skills and knowledge to attract and build incredible relationships with the women that you truly desire.

Yes you heard it – it’s a 7 day Immersion, both day and night, and we will be right next to you throughout. It is a 7 day programme which includes theory teachings and many hours of infield training, where we will personally take you out to the streets, bars, clubs, coffee shops and so you will put what we teach you into practice and show you the best ways for you to overcome your obstacles. In one week we will share with you the most advanced teachings in the most effective training programme on the market, all aimed at teaching you how to achieve phenomenal success with women.

Kamalifestyles has a VERY STRONG passion for helping people in this area, We really get great satisfaction in seeing people transform and improve their success with women and in doing so, their lives in general.



Internal Dynamics & Confidence

  • How to get over your limiting beliefs,
  • The best mindsets to have in dating
  • How to awake your most masculine and attractive self


  • How to approach properly
  • How to make her feel comfortable, and where to go from there
  • First impression
  • Day game and night name openers


Attraction is an emotion and like all emotions they can be sparked very easily, we will teach you exactly how this works and in turn you will gain a great understanding of yourself and others. We explain the history of attraction and
male/female relationships going all the way back to the caveman days, this will give you a great understanding of how the social matrix works in today’s society.


After attraction it is very important that she feels comfortable with you, and feels that she can trust you, this is one of the most important stages and is is vital for you to understand this.

  • Comfort strategies
  • How to install comfort and confidence in her
  • What to say and how to say it

Creating A Connection

Everyone wants to feel a connection, when we feel connected we feel close, we will teach you how to make quick and solid connections with those who interest you.


Touching is the line that defines lovers from friends, it is the subcommunication and body language that lets her know that you are interested without you having to say it or be direct, it is important that you understand how and when to use this as it is very powerful.

Infield Night game

  • Nightgame openers
  • Attraction & Comfort
  • Strategy of isolating
  • Second venue isolation

Infield Day Game

  • Day game mind set
  • How to approach
  • How to stop her
  • Comfort routines
  • Instant dates


  • Day 1, Sunday, 1 pm onwards
  • Day 2, Monday, 1 pm onwards
  • Day 3, Tuesday, 1 pm onwards
  • Day 4, Wednesday, 1 pm onwards
  • Day 5, Thursday, 1 pm onwards
  • Day 6, Friday, 1 pm onwards
  • Day 7, Saturday, 1 pm onwards

Infield training in bars, clubs, streets, beach will start after the theory training.

These are just some of the topics that we will cover throughout the course of over 50 hours, The Kamalifestyles team will then take you out in field on days and night nights and have you approach and attract the women that you are interested in. It is so important that you take control of your dating life, as it is an incredible journey filled with incredible relationships, love, huge rewards and self discovery..

People chase good feelings for there whole life, it was once said that “ all the money in the world is spent on feeling good “. Love is one of the strongest and most powerful emotions that we can possibly feel, and it is our goal to help you create an abundance of these feelings in your life forever…

Client Testimonials

I’d say I was a pretty normal guy in terms of my confidence before I came to Kamalifestyles. I wasn’t sure how much it was going to benefit me but I didn’t see any other way of improving to give myself the best chance of finding someone. The trip itself was life changing. The whole atmosphere was great being with the other guys in the same boat as I and it was a great experience learning together. I managed to conquer all of my approach fears with the guidance of the Kama instructors, when I got back I found my confidence had hit a new all time high. I am now comfortable approaching any woman I like and 3 months later I met wife so I think it’s safe to say it was worth it!

Richard S, 35

I’ve never had a girlfriend before and never been on a date either and because I work so hard that made it even more difficult for me to meet someone. And so I thought for my holiday this Summer I’d make a change and do something to better myself by going to Ibiza with the Kama guys to try sort this problem of mine out. Wow. Well it was amazing. My mindset transformed. The old unconfident me was left behind. The instructors were really great, with you every step of the way to support you in becoming a better self. I came back feeling so good, with so much belief in myself and my ability to meet my future girlfriend. Thank you Kamalifestyles.

Danny, 28

Before coming to KamaLifestyles, I had only had one previous relationship as an introverted shy guy but after spending a week in Ibiza with the guys, I became a totally different person. I had a new-found confidence to approach and attract women. Not only did I learn a lot about women and dating in general but the experience also opened my eyes to a lot of things I didn’t know about myself. I can’t thank the Kama team enough in helping me to improve my dating life, these changes are going to stay with me for the rest of my life.

Pat K, 32

I’ve had a couple of relationships in the past but without much success. Mainly because of a lack of confidence, I was single for 3 years before flying out to Ibiza with Kamalifestyles. During the 7 days it felt like we learnt everything there was to know about dating, attraction, confidence etc. After the Ibiza bootcamp, the guys maintained contact with me which I thought was great and I got into a relationship with a lovely girl, all thanks to Kamalifestyles!!

Kieran, 26

I used to suffer from approach anxiety, and despite having previous relationships in the past, I wanted to find it easier to meet women so I wouldn’t be held back by my fears in the future. Going to Ibiza with Kamalifestyles taught me just how to do that. We covered such a large range of topics and went into so much depth, I felt like I learned more value than I did at university! It was an incredible experience and I’d highly recommend Kamalifestyles’ services to any guy looking to improve himself in the dating game.

Jay, 40

I have always been single and I knew exactly why…Being an only child, I was always shy around women and I fell into the best-friends category with every girl that I really liked…I also never considered myself a good looking guy. Until the Bootcamp, I felt I had to get drunk to socialise…Looking back now all of these thoughts were absolute garbage. Once I learned how to develop my confidence everything else became easy. It is very important to learn how to create a connection with somebody but for me personally, the confidence element was key. For the infield, both instructors were sober the whole night and encouraged me to do likewise. After approaching several groups of girls without any alcohol, I realised just how much I was enjoying the night. It’s funny how strong your limiting beliefs can be until you actually test them… I had been single for my whole life and I believed,I was not good enough etc. Now I realise that I just needed to make one or two small changes in the way I interact and cut through some limiting beliefs and I could have a girlfriend. The theory was very informative and the seminar was extremely well put together. I was very impressed with the professionalism of the whole set-up. Thanks to Kama lifestyles, a whole new dimension has
been added to my life… Three weeks after the Bootcamp, I met Jenny and I’m now in my first relationship.Thanks guys…

Kevin, 33

I never had any success with women and believed that charisma was a skill you had to be born with…During the Bootcamp, I realised that the only person holding me back was myself and after learning exactly how attraction is created, I was able to approach and set up a date with a beautiful woman…something I never dreamed was possible.

John T – Doctor

After approaching several groups of girls, I realised just how much I was enjoying the night…Normally I just go out and get drunk but, thanks to Kama lifestyles, a whole new dimension has been added to my life.

Shane L , Student

The Instructors are amazing and ooze charisma and charm…They built attraction with literally every single group they approached and everybody in the bar wanted to meet them.

Kieran R – Construction Manager

Kamalifestyles has changed my life…I did not believe that it was possible to drastically improve your social skills…an incredible experience.

Barry G – Accountant